Refund and Returns Policy

What if I want to cancel my order?

Within 30 minutes after the order payment is successful, the user can cancel the order in the order details. After canceling the order, the payment amount will be credited back to your payment account within one to two working days. The exact time of refund depends on your payment method, so please be patient and do not rush. If the order is successfully paid for 30 minutes, the order cannot be cancelled because the order has already been processed and the package cannot be recalled. Please understand that.

7-day money-back guarantee for any reason

Brand new products purchased on this site that do not affect secondary sales can be returned for any reason within 7 natural days of purchase for a full refund (man-made and external factors cause product damage problems that will not be refunded or replaced). Once the returned item arrives at Convyu’s warehouse and has been successfully inspected, the refund process will begin. The payment amount will be credited back to your payment account in the same way. The exact time of refund depends on your payment method, so please be patient and do not rush. Refunds usually arrive in one to two business days.

What should I do if the product is damaged during transportation?

It’s a pity that you can’t receive the goods in good condition. We are not responsible for this, please contact us by email at [email protected] and we will try our best to help you contact the courier company.

What should I do if the product is lacking?

Please contact us by email at [email protected] and provide us with your unpacking video and proof of purchase, we will arrange the missing items for you within 24 working hours after confirming the situation Reissue.

Under what circumstances can I return it?

If there are any quality-related problems with new products within 7 natural days of arrival, you can contact us by email.

If you find that the product has quality problems within 30 natural days of receiving the product, please contact [email protected] by email and show your proof of purchase and photos of the quality problem of the product. You can return the product after the return application is confirmed.

Returns must include all accessories.

Item must include original packaging.

The buyer is responsible for shipping costs for non-quality-related warranty claims.

Returns may be rejected if the item does not meet the above requirements refund.

PLEASE NOTE: Please be sure to contact us before returning the item, otherwise it will not be processed.

We do NOT accept returning used products, please understand. The site does not charge a product re-listing fee.

How to return?

Please contact our customer support to initiate a return. Please explain the reason for the return and provide an invoice or screenshot to confirm the order number.

Convyu’s support will share the corresponding return address with you by email within 24 working hours.

In order to process the refund in a timely manner, please be sure to send a return notice to Convyu with the following information:

    Courier Company

Name Tracking Number

Please also pay attention when returning packaging, if wooden products (such as tables) and light bulbs are damaged due to poor packaging during the return and exchange transportation, we will reject the package and reject your return request, please understand. We will also refuse the package and refuse your return request if the steel or stretched part of the chair has suffered or broken in transit, etc.

How long does it take to get a refund?

We will issue a refund once the item arrives at our warehouse and once the staff has confirmed that the item meets the return criteria. Refunds will be made using the same method as the original order. The exact time of refund depends on your payment method, so please be patient and do not rush. Processing time usually takes 1-2 business days.

Warranty Claims for Quality-Related Issues

No return application will be accepted for the sold products after 31 days of arrival. When you contact us by mail to apply for a return within 31 days of the arrival of the product, we may ask you to provide valid proof of purchase and photos and videos that reflect the problem of the product.

Valid proof of purchase: Through Convyu’s order number for online purchases made Sales invoice

Please note that processing warranty claims may require several types of proof of purchase (such as receipt of money transfers and confirmation of the address to which the item was originally shipped)

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